The general testing scope of clean room engineering: clean room engineering environment grade assessment, engineering acceptance testing, including food, health products, cosmetics, bottled water, electronic products production workshop, GMP workshop, hospital operating room, animal laboratory, biosafety laboratory, biosafety cabinet, ultra-clean workbench, dust-free workshop, aseptic workshop, etc.

Clean room engineering testing items generally include: dust particle number, settling bacteria, floating bacteria, pressure difference, air exchange times, wind speed, fresh air volume, illumination, noise, temperature, relative humidity and so on.

Reference standard for clean room engineering testing:

1, Clean workshop design Code GB50073-2001

2, "Hospital clean surgery Department building Technical Code" GB 50333-2002

3, "Biosafety laboratory building Technical Code" GB 50346-2004

4, "Clean room construction and acceptance code" GB 50591-2010

5, "Pharmaceutical industry clean room (area) suspended particles test method" GB/T 16292-2010

6. Test method for planktonic bacteria in clean room (area) of Pharmaceutical Industry GB/T 16293-2010

7. Test method for Settling bacteria in clean room (area) of Pharmaceutical Industry GB/T 16294-2010

Inspection scope and standard of clean room engineering in various industries

Created on:2024-06-28 16:33